Within days she goes from vibrant young woman to bedridden sick person with sinus pain so bad she wanted to cut her own head off. (Sorry, that’s a bit graphic – her words, not mine.)
At first she had no clue what the problem was, but once she realized it was a mold issue, she grabbed her laptop and started desperately searching for answers.
It took her several days to find out exactly how to get rid of the mold, as well as what she should be doing for herself to get better.
Now then… wouldn’t it have been great for her if there was an instant download information product she could have purchased to help her with her dilemma? That’s what she thought, too…
…so as soon as she was better and had taken care of the mold and herself, she started putting together all of the information she learned into an info product to sell.
Talk about turning bad into good.
Thanks to her bout with mold, she now has a new residual income source.
So tell me… what problem have you faced this month?
And how did you solve it?
Because there is a very good chance that you, too, have the makings for an instant info product people would pay good money for.
And if you don’t have a problem that needs solving, I guarantee one of your friends do. Ask them. Ask everyone what they need, what they want, and what problem is driving them crazy.
Then invest a day or two in research and putting an info product together. Then get it online.
Never stop looking for opportunities, because they are literally all around you every minute of the day. When you find them, prioritize, and take action on your inspiration!
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